Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Cat in the basket

This is my first commission painting. A woman I worked with wanted a painting using some items she had from her mother which was a basket and milk can. At the time she had a black cat and asked if I could also put one in the picture. I think the size is 16x20 as that is the size of most of my work or 20x24.

Now remember all the old paintings I'm showing were done back in the mid 1980's and then I quit and did not start any painting again till 2007.

I hope I am a little better now.


The JR said...

It's good. I can see my Putter sitting in the basket like that!

Isabel said...

Hello, Eugenia!.You have obtained a good rustic

Lisa King said...

It's a nice one. I sure hate you missed painting with me and Ms. A. this summer. It was pretty much just me and her most of the time. Kathy came some, and Cay only once. Sally and Harry were busy together all summer.

I'm pretty much set for school. I have my schedule, most of the bill paid, and my parking decal. If I can get that one last scholarship, that will almost do it for the money. The tuition is outlandish. Now I need my ID and I'm set to go on the 23rd. 8am classes on MW&F...oh what fun.

Keri said...

Hello again. I love the softness of this, and what really sets it off for me are the whiskers. A small detail that really speaks to who you are as an arteeeest! Lovely. Keri

Eugenia Wadsworth Martin said...

Hello everyone and thanks for the kind comments. I have not been on the computer for about 2 weeks as we had a bug. Will had to wipe out the computer and reload every thing. Don't know how it sneeked in as he has all this stuff to prevent one but it happens.